Legislative Executive Development Advisory Council (LEDAC) Meeting

Today, the Legislative Executive Development Advisory Council (LEDAC) convened to discuss the government’s legislative priorities, carefully considering the urgent needs of our people and economy.

During the meeting, I passionately advocated for the inclusion of two significant pieces of legislation: the Philippine Ecosystem and Natural Capital Accounting System (PENCAS) Act and the Blue Economy Act. These measures are not only time-sensitive but also demand immediate attention from our government.

The PENCAS Act aims to establish a comprehensive data framework that generates natural capital statistics and accounts. By doing so, we will be able to assess the economic health of our nation while recognizing the invaluable contributions of our resources and ecosystems to our economy, incomes, and employment.

Similarly, the Blue Economy Act seeks to create a sustainable framework for the responsible utilization of our ocean resources. This act endeavors to promote economic growth, improve livelihoods, and create job opportunities, all while safeguarding the long-term health of our ocean ecosystem.

I would like to express my gratitude to the President for sharing our commitment to preserving and protecting our natural resources. It is both our moral duty and responsibility to present and future generations of Filipinos and the well-being of our country.