Launch of the “Blue Nations—France and Philippines: Partners for the Oceans”

This World Environment day, I spoke about the blue economy, our oceans and seas.

With our planet covered by over 70% water, the leadership of coastal nations such as the Philippines is crucial for the protection of our oceans.

I am honored to speak at the launch of the “Blue Nations—France and Philippines: Partners for the Oceans,” a follow-through on what France and Costa Rica pioneered a few years ago, the High Ambition Coalition (HAC) for Nature and People. I led the Philippines’ assent to the HAC after securing the commitment of the DENR and the DFA in acceding to the agreement.

Considered to be the center of marine shore fish biodiversity, the Philippines faces a great threat of increasing marine plastic pollution. We work hard to continue making strides in environmental protection with the recent passage of the Philippine Ecosystem and Natural Capital Accounting System (PENCAS) Act, a law I principally authored and sponsored; the stricter implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 which I also authored and principally sponsored in 2001, and soon, the Blue Economy Bill which will engender greater investments in our ocean accounts and assets.

By working together in promoting sustainable practices, let us realize a wealthy and healthy planet that benefits both people and nature.