Legarda emphasizes role of women in fight vs climate change

April 29, 2024

Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda emphasized the important role of women in helping preserve the environment as the world is ravaged by the effects climate change.

“Let us reaffirm our commitment to creating a world where women and girls are given the chance to realize their potential,” told Legarda during her keynote speech at the “Filipina Changemakers: Champions for Climate Resilience” event at the Senate building in Pasay City.

“If we do this, together, we can build a more sustainable and resilient future for all,” she added.

In celebration of the International Mother Earth Day 2024, the Climate Change Commission and the Office of Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda, in partnership with The Climate Reality Project – Philippines, presented the forum.

The foum aims to underscore the various roles women serve in leading climate action, from policy and legislation to science and the arts.

“In the face of this crisis, it is important that we harness the collective wisdom of our communities, and, in particular, recognize the invaluable contributions of women in driving climate action,” asserted the four-term senator.

Throughout history, women have been at the forefront of ecological protection and sustainability, from grassroots activists to policymakers.

“Any climate adaptation plan should recognize that while women are uniquely attuned to the needs of their communities, they are also the most vulnerable to climate disasters,” told the senator.

She also honored Nida Collado and Mila Bogñalbal, two of the remarkable women who won last year’s Philippine Resilience Awards. (30)