Opening Remarks of Senator Loren Legarda Launch of Philippine Marine Biodiversity Video Documentary

April 22, 2014

Opening Remarks of Senator Loren Legarda
Launch of Philippine Marine Biodiversity
Video Documentary
22  April 2014 – Museum of the Filipino People, Manila
Today we launch a video documentary on Philippine marine biodiversity as we celebrate Earth Day—a most opportune time to highlight the need to protect our natural resources including those within our seas.
Our country is blessed with rich biodiversity. But the way we have lived in the past decades and our failure to protect our natural resources have caused more stress […]

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Cyber Pornography

March 10, 2014

Privilege Speech on Cyber Pornography
10 March 2014 – Senate Session Hall
On March 8, women took the global centerstage once again with the celebration of International Women’s Day.
While the Philippines has been gaining success in empowering women, challenges remain and new ones have arisen, including cyber pornography—a crime that crosses geographical boundaries in a matter of seconds; a crime that curtails a girl’s freedom to choose a dignified life even before she understands what it means to be empowered.
In Navotas, […]

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Abel Ilokana: Celebrating Women Weavers from Ilocos Sur, La Union, Ilocos Norte and Abra

March 7, 2014

Abel Ilokana: Celebrating Women Weavers from Ilocos Sur, La Union, Ilocos Norte and Abra
Hibla ng Lahing Filipino Gallery
07 March 2014
Allow me first to congratulate the National Museum. They have aptly placed the spotlight on our women weavers from the North in time for the National Women’s Month.
Today, we celebrate the strength of women and the enduring weaving culture in our country. We also appreciate the men who have acquired the skill, though weaving is an art […]

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Leadership Panel on Climate Change and Rural Livelihoods

March 2, 2014

Keynote Speech for the East Asia Summit
Leadership Panel on Climate Change and Rural Livelihoods
28 February 2014 – Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria
Allow me first to thank the Australian Government and its partners for organizing this Climate Change Adaptation
Workshop. It is certainly an honor to be part of this important initiative.
In a survey conducted by the Nielsen Company and the Oxford University Institute of Climate Change in late 2009, the
Philippines registered the highest level […]

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The Politics of Climate Change and its 21st Century Challenges

February 19, 2014

Opening Address
“The Politics of Climate Change and its
21st Century Challenges”
Museum of the Filipino People, Manila
19 February 2014
(Standard Greetings)
In 2013, a total of 25 typhoons visited the Philippines, way above the usual average of 20 typhoons a year.
As a country exposed to storms, Filipinos should now be experts in preparing for typhoons; we should now be typhoon-resilient at the very least. After all, we have already experienced Ondoy, Pepeng, Pablo and Sendong. Unfortunately, Yolanda happened and we […]

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