Legarda on People Power Anniversary: We Must Always Fight for Our Rights

February 25, 2013

Twenty-seven years after the historic People Power Revolution that brought back democracy in the Philippines, Senator Loren Legarda engaged Filipinos to continue to fight for human rights as they always have.
“In 1986, millions of Filipinos joined a nonviolent revolution that awed even the world. We were able to regain our democracy through peaceful means. Today, we must continue to fight for our rights without trampling on the rights of others. We must support ways by which we can protect and […]

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Legarda respects Church position on RH

February 23, 2013

“I am against abortion. The law is there to provide the people the needed information and help to women. This does not violate any law and morality. I will not allow a measure that will kill a child inside his or her mother’s womb,” she said.

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