Statement of Sen. Loren Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, on Recent Developments on the Sabah Standoff

March 1, 2013

“The first line of defense for Filipinos in the Sabah standoff is provided by the DFA. Diplomacy should prevail as we seek to encourage and assure our Filipino brothers in the standoff that there is a peaceful way of resolving their claims.
“Clearly, it is not through the barrel of a gun that both parties can reasonably resolve the issues. The objective is not to encourage the adoption of hard line positions, but rather to soften these positions so that we […]

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Legarda Highlights Priorities for Next Term

February 27, 2013

“Healthcare is number one. I will finish the Universal Healthcare Bill. I will make sure it is enacted into law and that it will be implemented for the 25 million poorest Filipinos,” said Legarda, principal author of the bill.

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Legarda’s Target for Education: One College Grad in Every Poor Family

February 27, 2013

Reelectionist Senator Loren Legarda (Nationalist People’s Coalition) has proposed the granting of college scholarships to at least one member of each of the 3.8 million households that are beneficiaries of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program.
Legarda explained that giving college scholarships to at least one member of each of the CCT household beneficiary would have lasting impact on the lives of the country’s poorest families and will also benefit the nation’s productivity and growth.
“Mas mararamdaman ng bawat isang mahirap […]

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