

Legarda urges nations to forge ‘holistic solution’ to climate change

December 6, 2015

With world leaders in the thick of talks to produce a binding global agreement on mitigating the effects of climate change, Senator Loren Legarda urged the international community to commit to implementing a “holistic solution” to the problem.

In a video message for environmental group Greenpeace’s side event at the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) in Paris last Friday, Legarda also called on countries to seek climate justice because it is a human right.

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Message of Senator Loren Legarda: Climate Justice as a Human Right

December 6, 2015

Message of Senator Loren Legarda
Climate Justice as a Human Right
Video Message for Greenpeace’s side event on Climate Change and Human Rights at the Paris Climate Conference – 4 December 2015
The 2015 Paris Climate Conference is a crucial event for the future of humanity and of the world. Clearly, we all know that we have to take action against climate change. But the issue now is how much action we need to take.
We have seen many times […]

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Legarda: Stop soil degradation

December 4, 2015

Senator Loren Legarda, Senate Climate Change Committee chairwoman, sought yesterday, congressional passage of her Senate Bill No. 337 (Soil and Water Conservation Act) which seeks to promote soil and water conservation technologies and approaches for sustainable land management.

Legarda warned that the current land degradation in 13 million hectares of arable land is likely to contribute to widespread and severe poverty in the rural areas.

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Legarda Calls for Greater Action to Stop Soil Degradation

December 4, 2015

In observance of the World Soil Day (December 5), Senator Loren Legarda stressed the need for collective action on sustainable land use and protection of soil, a nearly forgotten resource, to halt and reverse land degradation.

“This celebration is not only an excellent opportunity to highlight the importance of soil but also serves as a warning for all of us that soil degradation is a rapidly increasing problem all over the world,” said Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Climate Change.

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