Explanation of Vote of Senator Loren Legarda on Senate Bill no. 2450 or the Blue Economy Act

August 19, 2024

Senate Bill No. 2450
The Blue Economy Act

Senate of the Philippines
August 19, 2024
Senate of the Philippines

Mr. President,

I welcome the support of our colleagues in voting to approve the Blue Economy bill on the third reading. This proposed measure establishes a comprehensive framework for the sustainable development and stewardship of our coastal and marine resources, which are vital to our nation’s economy, environment, and heritage.

The Blue Economy Act aligns with the Philippines’ commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 14, which focuses on conserving and sustainably managing the oceans, seas, and marine resources.

The Blue Economy is included in the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council or LEDAC’s list of priority bills for passage before the end of the 19th Congress. As the principal author and sponsor of the bill, I fully appreciate and welcome the support considering that we have yet to truly fathom the depths of benefits from our oceans and coasts.

Knowing that we have a commitment under the Convention on Biological Diversity, I hope to see the implementation of this law with the abiding faith that it is in conserving our ecosystems that we can benefit more and for a much longer time from them.

I am grateful for the support of our colleagues who authored, co-authored, and co-sponsored the bill, and especially Senators Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III, Cynthia Villar, and Joel Villanueva for their work in improving the bill with their amendments.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to our technical experts from various agencies and the private sector for their valuable contributions throughout the entire process, from drafting to enhancing and refining the proposed measure.

The Blue Economy Act represents a porthole, if you may, from which we can see what surrounds us. It is like the biblical talents left by the master for the servant to enrich. We are all given this wealth so we may be worthy stewards.

With the bill’s approval on the third reading, we fulfill our sacred duty to the planet and our people to protect the health and resilience of our coastal and marine ecosystems, while maximizing their potential to foster inclusive economic growth and enhance the well-being of present and future generations of Filipinos.

Thank you, Mr. President.