Innovative Climate Finance Strategies and Instruments by and for Climate Vulnerable Countries

November 14, 2017

Keynote Address of Senator Loren Legarda
COP 23 Side Event: “Innovative Climate Finance Strategies and Instruments by and for Climate Vulnerable Countries”
13 November 2017 | Bonn, Germany
It is an honor to open this side event of the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, and Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies on innovative climate finance by and for climate vulnerable countries during the 23rd Conference of Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate […]

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Championing NAPs: Advancing National Adaptation Plans

November 13, 2017

Speech of Senator Loren Legarda
Championing NAPs:
Advancing National Adaptation Plans
13 November 2017 | Press Room, Bula Zone 3
Bonn, Germany
My country, the Philippines, while being an archipelago of 7,641 islands that boast of fertile, arable lands with rich natural resources and diverse flora and flauna, is also one climate vulnerable country that is perpetually degraded by climate change.
The need for a comprehensive adaptation plan that will enhance the resilience of our nation has always been […]

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Message: Opening of the Homecoming of “Muhon: Traces of an Adolescent City”

October 27, 2017

Message of Senator Loren Legarda
Opening of the Homecoming of
“Muhon: Traces of an Adolescent City”
26 October 2017 | Metropolitan Museum of Manila
We all know that nothing is constant in this world but change. It is inevitable because we always seek to improve, innovate and progress.
But when is a time to pause and choose to preserve rather than to develop something new?
Tonight, we will welcome these thoughts as we open the exhibit that proudly represented the Philippines in its inaugural participation at […]

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Introduction to Piña-Seda Piña-Seda Weaving and Embroidery in the Philippines: Lecture Series and Workshops

October 25, 2017

Speech of Senator Loren Legarda
Introduction to Piña-Seda
Piña-Seda Weaving and Embroidery in the Philippines:
Lecture Series and Workshops
25 October 2017 | School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Traditional textiles are ties that bind. It links the past to the present and brings together cultures, which, no matter how diverse, has a commonality.
Traditional textiles bring together industries, communities, and people. A fabric or a garment is a synergy among workers and artisans. It […]

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Speech: Hibla ng Lahing Filipino Travelling Exhibition Opening

October 23, 2017

Speech of Senator Loren Legarda*
Hibla ng Lahing Filipino Travelling Exhibition Opening
23 October 2017 | Philippine Embassy in London
*Speech to be delivered on October 23, 2017 (4:00pm in London; 11:00pmin Manila)
Today, I am filled with pride as I welcome all of you to the opening of the first Hibla ng Lahing Filipino Travelling Exhibition.
It all started with a vision to have our own textile gallery in the Philippines, inspired by my travels to neighboring countries in Southeast Asia like Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, each having their own rich […]

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