January 31, 2012
Our reputation is an aspect of our lives that we continuously seek to protect, as public perception about us undeniably extends to our loved ones and our families. To extremists, a good name is regarded as more important than life itself, since the former leaves an imprint that lasts beyond the latter.
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January 30, 2012
Forty-five days after Mindanao bore tropical storm Sendong’s whiplash of death and destruction, we witness severely affected cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan pick up and rebuild the pieces of their people’s shattered lives.
For days, if not weeks, headlines screamed the cold statistics on the dead and the missing and the confluence of factors that led to the unspeakable disaster.
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December 13, 2011
I have the honor to seek approval of Senate Resolution No. 664, entitled “Resolution Concurring in the Accession to the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment” prepared and submitted by the Committee on Foreign Relations on 12 December 2011 per its Committee Report No. 92.
Torture is a violation of human rights and human dignity. Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that ‘No one shall be […]
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December 12, 2011
Against a backdrop of the glacial pace by which the international climate treaty negotiations have progressed, recently evidenced by the near collapse of climate talks in Durban, I rise once again to remind world leaders of the responsibilities before us to lead our people out of the crises and uncertainties brought about by climate change.
We can take inspiration from a victim of a disaster, who turned the tragedy into an opportunity and help stop the next disaster from happening.
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December 5, 2011
The Philippines and Korea have a long history of partnership, with Filipinos dedicating their lives in Korea’s struggle for freedom.
The Korean War in its broadest sense was a crucial battle for the Republic of Korea (ROK) as a nation; but with regard to its bilateral relations with the Philippines, it served as the foundation of a friendship, which was solidified by constant partnership in various circumstances and which both nations continue to enjoy.
The deployment to South Korea of […]
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