Philippines: Legarda on Yolanda aftermath: We must rebuild stronger communities

November 12, 2013

Amid the ongoing relief efforts by the government and various socio-civic organizations for the victims of Typhoon Yolanda, Senator Loren Legarda said that local governments are facing the greater challenge of building back better communities.
“I deeply commiserate with families who have lost their loved ones due to Typhoon Yolanda. It is truly heartbreaking to see the devastated communities. As we offer prayers for the victims and all those affected, we hope that this disaster will serve as another lesson to […]

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Legarda On Yolanda Aftermath: We Must Rebuild Stronger Communities

November 12, 2013

Amid the ongoing relief efforts by the government and various socio-civic organizations for the victims of Typhoon Yolanda, Senator Loren Legarda said that local governments are facing the greater challenge of building back better communities.
“I deeply commiserate with families who have lost their loved ones due to Typhoon Yolanda. It is truly heartbreaking to see the devastated communities. As we offer prayers for the victims and all those affected, we hope that this disaster will serve as another lesson to […]

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Southern fishing ground’s protection sought

November 10, 2013

UNDERSCORING the importance of the Verde Island Passage, Sen. Loren Legarda has filed a measure declaring the highly productive fishing ground as a marine-protected area and ecological tourism zone.
The Verde Island Passage, a source of livelihood for millions of Filipinos, is a vital passageway and a national heritage that is teeming with unique marine species, Legarda, chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, said.
The Verde Island Passage marine corridor is a 1.14-million hectare stretch of water along […]

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Legarda Wants Verde Island Passage Declared as Protected Area

November 10, 2013

Senator Loren Legarda has filed a measure that will intensify the government’s drive in preserving the Verde Island Passage, which is a source of livelihood to millions of Filipinos, a vital passageway, and a national heritage that is teeming with unique marine species.
Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, is proposing the declaration of Verde Island Passage, as a Marine Protected Area and Ecological Tourism Zone.
“We must ensure the sustainable use of the resources of the […]

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Legarda Promotes Culture of Peace Through Relevant Policies

November 8, 2013

Senator Loren Legarda today said she will actively pursue proposed measures aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace, which UNESCO advocates.
Legarda, head of the Philippine Delegation to the 37thUNESCO General Conference in Paris, France, said that the Philippines, being a historically plural and multi-ethnic society, should be at the forefront of efforts to promote unity among diversity.
“There are 110 indigenous peoples groups in the Philippines and each island and province in the country has its own culture. […]

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