Loren: It feels good to be free

February 5, 2015

Sen. Loren Legarda told last Tuesday’s Bulong Pulungan lunch forum at the Sofitel that freedom from further political aspirations has enabled her to truly focus on her work in the Senate, where she will serve till 2019.
“After I lost my political ambition, when I was no longer planning any campaign, I became more focused and passionate in my job,” said Loren, who turned 55 last Jan. 28.
As senator, she wants to focus on nature and culture, believing that culture generates […]

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Loren on loving the native

February 4, 2015

Taking a break from sad, disheartening, infuriating and dismaying news, Sen. Loren Legarda, clad in a Mandaya blouse and ethnic jewelry, guested at yesterday’s “Bulong Pulungan sa Sofitel” and spoke about much more pleasant matters: the need to protect the environment (she chairs the climate change oversight committee in the Senate) and to promote and preserve indigenous culture.
True, these are not trivial concerns. The preservation of traditional crafts and arts, the senator stressed, is key not just to the development […]

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Emotional Loren blasts poor implementation of environmental laws

February 2, 2015

Senator Loren Legarda turned emotional during a Senate hearing on Monday after learning that some of the environmental laws she authored are being implemented poorly.
Legarda, who chairs the Senate environment committee that conducted the hearing, said among the laws that are not being implemented properly are the Clean Air Act and the Solid Waste Management Law.
“We are failing in our job… I am failing in my job because I am not making all my laws implemented that’s why I am […]

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Legarda calls for “Green Good Governance”, urges Implementation of Environmental Laws

February 2, 2015

Senator Loren Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, today urged local government units (LGUs) to practice green good governance, through the implementation of environmental laws, particularly the Ecological Solid Waste Management Law or Republic Act No. 9003.
Legarda made the statement during the hearing of the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, which discussed bills that seek to regulate the manufacture and use of plastic bags and promote biodegradable materials as an alternative for everyday use.
“Plastic […]

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Senator Loren Legarda’s Statement on Mamasapano Clash

January 29, 2015

Senator Loren Legarda said a vigorous probe that would answer all questions about the deadly encounter in Mamasapano, Maguindanao is needed to give justice to the victims and would be relevant to the ongoing peace negotiations.
“I extend my deepest condolences to the families of the slain police officers. They did not deserve such tragic death. A thorough investigation is needed first and foremost to give justice to the victims,” said Legarda.
“We cannot be talking peace on the one hand and […]

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