Legarda lauds Dutch court ruling on carbon emission targets

July 9, 2015

SENATOR Loren Legarda lauded the recent triumph of climate advocates as the Dutch court ordered its government to reduce carbon emissions by 25 percent within five years to help protect its citizens from climate change.
“Nations have made pledges to cut their carbon emissions in international treaties but it is easy to make promises. This development shows that governments around the world have a legal obligation to their people when it comes to climate change mitigation.”
Reports stated that a court in […]

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Legarda: Aim for zero waste, implement ecological solid waste management law

July 9, 2015

SENATOR Lorna Regina “Loren” B. Legarda renewed her call for the strict implementation of Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM) Law, stressing that local government units (LGUs) should aim for zero waste.
In her keynote speech for the opening of the First National Integrated Waste Management Exhibition, Ms. Legarda, principal author of RA 9003, urged the National Solid Waste Management Commission (NSWMC) to strengthen its efforts in ensuring compliance with the ESWM law.
“Encourage LGUs that compliance is […]

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Proper garbage disposal

July 9, 2015

“UNLESS we learn how to manage our waste, starting with proper garbage segregation and disposal, we will never be able to clean our waters and our communities,” warned Sen. Loren Legarda, a known Filipino environmentalist.
Of course, the warning is nothing new in the Philippines, which is reportedly the world’s third top contributor of plastic marine waste, next only to China and Indonesia.
Of the 275 million tons of plastic waste generated in 192 coastal countries throughout the world in 2010, plastic […]

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Legarda: Conservation of Protected Areas Vital in Climate Change Mitigation

July 8, 2015

Senator Loren Legarda today said that the conservation of the country’s protected areas is crucial in climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Legarda made the statement at hearing of the Senate Committee on Climate Change, which she chairs, held at the Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Center in Quezon City, the lone proclaimed protected area in Metro Manila where the Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ Biodiversity Management Bureau (DENR-BMB) holds office.
“Protected areas can help protect vulnerable communities and reduce the impact […]

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Legarda Lauds Dutch Court Ruling on Carbon Emission Targets

July 6, 2015

Senator Loren Legarda lauded the recent triumph of climate advocates as the Dutch court ordered its government to reduce carbon emissions by 25 percent within five years to help protect its citizens from climate change.
“Nations have made pledges to cut their carbon emissions in international treaties but it is easy to make promises. This development shows that governments around the world have a legal obligation to their people when it comes to climate change mitigation.”
Reports stated that a court in […]

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