‘Dayaw’ Promotes Legacy of Ancestors Thru Tangible Heritage

October 13, 2015

The Philippines has a rich collection of tangible heritage that serves as the physical manifestation of Filipino ingenuity, talent and history. The third episode of Dayaw on October 15 titled “Inukit, Hinulma, Nilikha” highlights the country’s tangible symbols of culture, created using indigenous skills and knowledge.
Senator Loren Legarda urges everyone to watch the latest episode of the 6-part TV documentary series.
“I want everyone to see the value of our tangible heritage, from buildings, artifacts, even traditional houses. These are things […]

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Legarda Leads Climate Advocates in Signing Call to Conscience for the Climate

October 9, 2015

Climate advocates, leaders and representatives of faith-based organizations, environmental groups, civil society, the academe, and government agencies today signed the “Call to Conscience” at the Summit of Conscience for the Climate convened by Senator Loren Legarda.

The Call to Conscience for the Climate will be presented to each Head of Delegation attending the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris in December. It encourages leaders and representatives to come to the conference “primarily as a conscious human being not just a representative of a Government or agency.”

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Legarda to convene environmental advocates at climate summit

October 8, 2015

Leaders and representatives of faith-based organizations, environmental groups, civil society, the academe, and government agencies will gather at the Senate on Friday for the Summit of Conscience for the Climate, Senator Loren Legarda said on Thursday.
Legarda said participants at the summit will be encouraged to sign the Call to Conscience for the Climate, a document that will be presented to each Head of Delegation attending the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the UN Framework Convention on […]

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Legarda Gathers Environmental Advocates at Summit of Conscience for the Climate, Cites IP Group as Champions of Resilience

October 8, 2015

Leaders and representatives of faith-based organizations, environmental groups, civil society, the academe, and government agencies will gather at the Senate of the Philippines tomorrow, 9 October 2015, as Senator Loren Legarda convenes the Summit of Conscience for the Climate. (Please find attached program for list of speakers)
“Why do I care and how do I show that I care? These are the questions that speakers and participants will reflect on as they share their personal stories, beliefs and commitments in protecting the environment and […]

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