Legarda Pushes for Road Sharing to Ease Burden on Urban Dwellers

January 10, 2016

Senator Loren Legarda has urged the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) and local government units (LGUs) to implement roadsharing in the Philippines, particularly in Metro Manila, in a bid to improve the quality of life of citizens as well as lessen air pollution.

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Disaster calling

January 10, 2016

We were able to pass into law the Climate Change Act, which created the Climate Change Commission and mainstreams climate change adaptation in various phases of policy formulation, and the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, which strengthens the capacity of the national government and local government units to build the disaster resilience of communities. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) hailed these two measures as among the world’s best laws on disaster resilience.

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Senator Loren Legarda’s Statement on DOH Budget

January 8, 2016

Senator Loren Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Finance, today said that all information about the 2016 national budget were available to both houses of Congress before it was enacted into law.

“All senators were given a copy of the bicameral conference committee report before they voted to ratify. The first page of the report shows both the increases and the decreases in the budget of all agencies including the Department of Health (DOH),” she explained.

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Statement of Sen. Loren Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Finance

January 8, 2016

“The cut of one billion pesos for the Department of Health’s (DOH) family health and responsible parenting (FHRP) was a source for the increases in other agencies, including for the Department of National Defense’s (DND) air assets upgrading, which is timely and equally important given the West Philippine Sea issue. Part of it was also used for the increase in the state universities and colleges (SUCs) budget.

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Legarda Urges LGUs to Establish Cultural Councils, Undertake Heritage Mapping

January 5, 2016

In a bid to further propagate and cultivate Filipino arts and culture, Senator Loren Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Finance, has introduced special provisions in the 2016 national budget that encourages the establishment of councils for the promotion of culture and the arts in all cities and municipalities nationwide.

Legarda, who is also the chair of the Senate Committee on Cultural Communities and a staunch supporter of arts and culture, said she envisions the Philippines to become a leading destination for cultural tourism.

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