Phl Pavilion in Architecture Biennale Opens; Brings Audience to Past, Present and Possible Future

May 29, 2016

Venice, Italy—The Philippine Pavilion in the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale has opened its doors to the public following its vernissage last May 27 at the sixteenth century building Palazzo Mora.

It is one of the top 30 must-see events and exhibitions of the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale as mentioned in the Wallpaper*, a Time Inc. publication on design and architecture, fashion, travel, art and lifestyle.

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Legarda warns of coal-fired power plants

May 28, 2016

SENATOR Loren Legarda expressed alarm on Saturday over the adverse environmental impacts of coal-fired power plants in the country, thus she urged the government to tap cleaner and less wasteful sources of energy.

“Our goal to reduce carbon emissions will be impossible if we will continue to allow the construction and operation of additional coal-fired power plants, the nation’s top source of greenhouse gas emissions and the primary cause of global warming,” Legarda, chair of Senate climate change committee, said in a statement.

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Phl architecture at its finest

May 27, 2016

VENICE – For the first time, the Philippines is participating in the International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia here, more popularly called as vernissage. The international exhibit of famous and historic landmarks opens today at the Palazzo Mora, and will run until Nov. 27.

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Coal-fired power plants threaten lives, environment — Legarda

May 27, 2016

Senator Loren Legarda today renewed her call on government to tap cleaner and less wasteful sources of energy, expressing alarm over the adverse environmental impacts of coal-fired power plants in the country.

Legarda, chair of the Senate Committee on Climate Change, lauded the Aquino administration’s order to agencies of government to review the country’s energy policy, which may see the Philippines moving away from carbon-intensive coal power generation.

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