Legarda calls on DENR, SUCs to maximize dipterocarp mast year by widespread propagation

September 5, 2023

Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda called for the mobilization of the youth to gather and propagate dipterocarps this year.
Dipterocarps are the towering giants of the rainforest in the lowlands, which include yakal, lawaan, bagtikan, narig and all the other trees whose seeds have wings that chopper down when falling from the tree. They are the emergent trees and serve as habitat for our most important flora and fauna, hosting nests of many of our important biodiversity including the Philippine […]

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Legarda lauds enactment of OTOP law, says passage reaffirms role of MSMEs as PH economic growth drivers

August 25, 2023

Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda lauded the recent passage of Republic Act No. 11960 or the One Town, One Product (OTOP) Philippines Act, which recognizes the crucial role of micro, small, and medium Enterprises (MSME) as essential drivers of economic growth in the Philippines.
As principal author and co-sponsor of the bill, which was first introduced in 2002, Legarda stressed this move as a monumental milestone for the MSME sector, which is considered one of the backbones of the Philippine […]

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Legarda: Passage of Cultural Mapping law a significant milestone to continued promotion and conservation of Filipino culture and heritage

August 25, 2023

Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda calls the passage of Republic Act No. 11961, or the Cultural Mapping Law, an important milestone in the continued promotion and preservation of Filipino culture and heritage.
As the author and principal sponsor of the law, Legarda lauded the measure’s passage, which she has been pushing since the 16th Congress. In the 19th Congress, she filed Senate Bill No. 622, An Act Amending RA 10066, or the National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009, to mandate […]

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Legarda paves way for better education in Antique, nearby provinces with inauguration of UP extension campus

August 25, 2023

Anchored in providing quality and democratizing education, Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda led the inauguration of the University of the Philippines (UP) Antique Extension Campus in the Municipality of Pandan, Antique.
The establishment of the UP Antique Extension Campus seeks to provide formal education and award degrees, as well as training opportunities to the local workforce, who contribute to the province’s thriving economy.
“This 900-square-meter three-story building has classrooms, offices, training spaces, and a conference room. These will catalyze engagements among […]

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Legarda leads initial interagency meet as PH prepares for 2025 Frankfurt Book Fair as Guest of Honour country

August 22, 2023

Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda led the first interagency meeting in preparation for the 2025 Frankfurt Book Fair, where the Philippines will be the Guest of Honour country.
She welcomed the officials of Frankfurter Buchmesse, composed of Juergen Boos, President and CEO of Frankfurter Buchmesse; Claudia Kaiser, Vice President of Business Development; and Simone Bühler, Head of Guest of Honour Programme at the National Museum of Anthropology, to discuss further ways to strengthen the involvement of the Philippines to the […]

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