Legarda: Lives, livelihoods of Filipinos at stake in upcoming COP26

October 30, 2021

Three-term Senator Loren Legarda emphasized the importance of the upcoming talks at the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in securing the lives and livelihoods of Filipinos amidst the intensifying climate crisis.
“COP26—if it delivers—can help secure the lives and livelihoods of Filipinos today and in the future as we continue to deal with the consequences of global warming. Many climate vulnerable countries like ours are anxiously waiting for its results,” Legarda said.
Almost […]

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Legarda welcomes approval of the BARMM Elections Postponement Bill

October 29, 2021

Three-term Senator, now Deputy Speaker, Loren Legarda today hailed the enactment of a law that called for the postponement of the first regular elections of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) to 2025, amending Section 13 Article XVI of Republic Act No. 11054, also known as the Organic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
Legarda, principal author of the newly-signed Republic Act No. 11593, expressed that the postponement of the BARMM elections to synchronize it with […]

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Legarda bats for greater protection for overseas Filipino workers

October 29, 2021

Promoting the rights and welfare of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) will continue to be among the priorities of three-term Senator, now Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda to ensure that Filipinos working in foreign countries, which include domestic workers, nurses, professionals, skilled workers, and seafarers, are protected and are assured that they are provided with programs that respond to their needs and their families’.
“The promotion of the welfare of Filipinos abroad is one of the pillars of the country’s foreign policy. We […]

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Legarda Supports Launch of Climate Vulnerable Forum’s Global Parliamentary Group

October 28, 2021

House Deputy Speaker and Antique Congresswoman expressed support to the launch of the Global Parliamentary Group of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF), a dedicated program for parliamentarians from across the 48 CVF member-states to support one another to fight the climate crisis.
Legarda said that the Global Parliamentary Group should enable the CVF’s call for a Climate Emergency Pact in safeguarding the 1.5 degrees Celsius limit of the Paris Agreement and the delivery of at least $100 billion per year in […]

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Legarda files “One Tablet, One Student” Bill

October 27, 2021

Three-term Senator Loren Legarda today filed House Bill No. 10405 also known as the “One Tablet, One Student Act of 2021” that seeks to provide each public elementary and secondary student as well as students enrolled in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) a tablet.
If students who already have their own personal learning gadgets shall be given educational assistance in the form of an internet allowance to cover the cost of connectivity.
Legarda , who as former Chairperson of the Senate Committee […]

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