

Senator Loren Legarda National Climate Change Consciousness Week Creating Convergence on Climate Change

November 21, 2011

(Standard Greetings)
It is my distinct pleasure to speak before you today in this important conference in observance of the National Climate Change Consciousness Week.
Disasters do not only abound. They have also become deadlier. Climate change has caused many nations to suffer stronger typhoons, sea level rise, more flashfloods, and more devastating droughts. If proof is what we need to substantiate these claims, we already have more than enough.
In 2009, typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng left nearly a thousand […]

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Legarda: Prioritize and Strengthen Gov’t Mechanisms to Protect Children from Climate Change

November 19, 2011

Senator Loren Legarda today called on the various departments of government to prioritize the needs of Filipino children in carrying out their respective duties, stressing that young citizens are even more vulnerable to various hazards and health risks because of climate change.
Legarda renewed her call as she expressed alarm over the recent study released by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), “Children’s Vulnerabilities to Climate Change and Disaster Impacts in East Asia and the Pacific,” which revealed that climate change […]

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Legarda Echoes UN SecGen’s Call for $100B Green Climate Fund

November 18, 2011

Senator Loren Legarda today echoed the call of United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for the establishment of the Green Climate Fund that will aid developing countries in mitigating the effects of climate change.
The Senator said she hopes that leaders who will gather at the global climate change conference in Durban, South Africa on November 28, will finally push the operationalization of the $100-billion Green Climate Fund, which was already agreed upon at the 16th Session of the Conference of […]

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Legarda Seeks Funds for Nat’l TV

November 18, 2011

Senator Loren Legarda has called for support in seeking funds for the state-owned television network, People’s Television Network, Inc. (PTNI), noting that it does not receive annual appropriation for its operations.
“The PTV4 has no allocation from the government and is not allowed to receive commercial revenues, how then is it able to survive? We need to resuscitate our national television because it has a great potential, not for propaganda, but for information dissemination of the advocacies of our various departments […]

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Legarda Calls for Swift Compliance with Requirements to Access UN Climate Adaptation Fund

November 16, 2011

Senator Loren Legarda urged the government to immediately comply with the requirements of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for the country to have access to the Climate Change Adaptation Fund.
“The proposed budget may not be enough for all our disaster risk reduction efforts and while we are establishing a one-billion-peso fund for climate adaptation efforts through the People’s Survival Fund Act, which the Senate has already passed on third reading, it is never enough,” Legarda, Chair […]

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