

Legarda Urges LGUs to Engage Citizens in Preparing Communities against Disasters

July 2, 2012

“As we observe National Disaster Consciousness Month this July, it would be best to make our people understand how they can contribute to making our communities disaster-resilient and urge them to actually take part in such activities. For instance, restoring our coastal mangrove forests and continuous tree-growing activities are simple yet effective defenses against several types of hazards,”

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Legarda Alarmed over Increasing Number of Filipino Child Laborers

June 29, 2012

“It is lamentable that despite having the Anti-Child Labor Law in place since 2003, the number of minors engaged in various kinds of work continues to surge. This only means that more and more children are forced to work to support their families and are deprived of their childhood and their right to education,”

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