

Legarda pins hope on plastics treaty on World Environment Day

June 4, 2023

As the Philippines joins the observance of World Environment Day today with the theme ‘#beatplasticpollution,’ Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda expressed hope for realizing the first global treaty to curb plastic pollution by the end of 2024.
“With the negotiations rolling, we are hopefully months away from a global plastics treaty that will address the scourge of plastic pollution,” she said, referring to the ongoing talks by country delegations, non-government organizations, and industry representatives in Paris, France on a legally […]

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Legarda: OTOP law will help MSME sector

May 31, 2023

The Senate adopted and ratified on Wednesday the bicameral conference committee report on the ‘One Town, One Product (OTOP) Philippines Act of 2022,’ aimed at boosting and recognizing the contributions of the micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) to the country’s economic growth.
“We welcome the Senate’s ratification of this measure as it will help institutionalize the OTOP program geared towards promoting our local products and capacitating our MSME sector through the development of our indigenous raw materials, utilizing local skills […]

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Sponsorship Speech: Resolution Creating a Special Committee on the Rehabilitation of the Manila Central Post Office

May 31, 2023

Senate President Pro Tempore
Resolution Creating a Special Committee
on the Rehabilitation of
the Manila Central Post Office
31 May 2023
Mr. President, my dear colleagues of this august chamber,
During the late evening of 21 May 2023, a massive fire broke out at the historic Manila Central Post Office, resulting in the destruction of the iconic building and famous landmark in Manila. This caught the attention of every Filipino and left our hearts heavy and our […]

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Legarda: No to cigarette waste, microplastics

May 31, 2023

On World No Tobacco Day, Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda emphasized the inextricable link between environment and health, pointing out that in Paris, France today, coincidentally, countries are negotiating a Plastics Treaty that would address the crisis that has brought microplastics into our food, water, and even the air we breathe.
The four-term Senator responsible for most significant pieces of environmental legislation for the last few decades said the costs associated with plastics are phenomenal, not the least of which […]

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Legarda urges gov’t support for Manila Central Post Office rehab

May 30, 2023

Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda expressed full support for restoring the Manila Central Post Office Building following its recent destruction due to a massive fire last Sunday, which recorded estimated damage of more than Php300 million in assets.
Underscoring the iconic structure as an integral part of Philippine history and culture, Legarda filed Senate Resolution No. 636 urging the national government to ensure swift rehabilitation of the Manila Post Office while affirming its conservation and preservation as an important cultural […]

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