

Docu exposes destruction of PH marine resources

April 23, 2014

“Gutom (hunger),” Sen. Loren Legarda said is what’s in store for the Filipino people if destruction of our marine resources is not stopped.
Legarda, chair of the Senate committee on Environmetn and Natural Resources,  presented the grim scenario during the launch of a  video documentary on Philippine Marine Biodiversity at the National Museum on International Earth Day.
Directed by internationally acclaimed filmmaker Brillante Mendoza and shot by underwater videographer, Robert Suntay, the  documentary is part oc a campaign to prod  Filipinos to […]

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“Building Green: An LGU Imperative”

April 23, 2014

Senator Loren Legarda’s Speech
Forum on Green Building Initiative
“Building Green: An LGU Imperative”
23 April 2014 – Dusit Thani Hotel, Makati
The future communities in the Philippines will vastly differ from the ones we live in today. As we witness the 21st century unfold, our nation faces a new set of technological, socioeconomic and global challenges that are more complex than any of us have ever experienced in our shared history. They dramatically alter the way we live in our communities, and at stake […]

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Opening Remarks of Senator Loren Legarda Launch of Philippine Marine Biodiversity Video Documentary

April 22, 2014

Opening Remarks of Senator Loren Legarda
Launch of Philippine Marine Biodiversity
Video Documentary
22  April 2014 – Museum of the Filipino People, Manila
Today we launch a video documentary on Philippine marine biodiversity as we celebrate Earth Day—a most opportune time to highlight the need to protect our natural resources including those within our seas.
Our country is blessed with rich biodiversity. But the way we have lived in the past decades and our failure to protect our natural resources have caused more stress […]

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Legarda Launches Phil. Marine Biodiversity Video Documentary

April 22, 2014

In a bid to raise awareness on the current condition of the country’s marine life and underwater resources, Senator Loren Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, today launched a video documentary on Philippine marine biodiversity.
“There has been too much destruction and desecration of our natural resources including our seas. We see bodies of water littered with various kinds of waste, but beyond the surface of these waters we discover greater despoliation of marine life,” Legarda […]

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Legarda on Earth Day: Save our Marine Life, Preserve Our Ecosystems

April 21, 2014

As the world celebrates Earth Day on April 22, Senator Loren Legarda today renewed her call to protect marine biodiversity and preserve the country’s ecosystems.
Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, said that the country’s natural resources, especially those within our seas, are crucial to the survival of Filipinos, especially that the Philippines is an archipelago.
“We are fortunate to have been blessed with abundant natural resources. In fact, we are one of the 17 megadiverse countries, […]

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