

Tokyo holds first World Assembly for Women Today

September 12, 2014

TOKYO – Female political and business leaders from over 25 countries will gather here today for the first World Assembly for Women in Tokyo (WAW! Tokyo 2014) organized by the Japanese government to further promote women’s political and economic empowerment.
Among the participants will be International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde, US Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife Akie and Cherie Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Sen. Loren Legarda is the lone […]

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World Assembly for Women 2014

September 12, 2014

Opening Remark of Senator Loren Legarda
A Society where Self-Determination of Women is Assured
World Assembly for Women 2014
Tokyo, Japan, 13 September 2014
The role of women in our society has continuously evolved through the years. As more women have gained access to education, more have also joined the workforce, more are participating in decision-making.
In the Philippines, our women play an important role. They are involved in all sectors of our society. In fact, they are present in more than a hundred countries around […]

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Disaster Vulnerability of Women, a Pressing Concern—Legarda Tells Tokyo Forum on Women

September 12, 2014

Senator Loren Legarda will raise the issue of vulnerability of women to disasters at the World Assembly for Women convened by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo, Japan.
Legarda, UN Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation for Asia-Pacific, is the only Philippine participant in the high level conference and will deliver the opening statement for a sub-group discussion on “A Society where Self-Determination of Women is Assured” on Saturday (September 13).
In sharing the Philippine experience in promoting women […]

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Legarda Represents Phl at World Assembly for Women in Tokyo

September 11, 2014

Senator Loren Legarda will share the Philippine experience in fighting for women’s rights and closing the gender gap as she represents the country in the World Assembly for Women in Tokyo, Japan from September 12-14, 2014.
The Conference will open on Friday (September 12) with statements from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, International Monetary Fund Chairman Christine Lagarde, and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and a dialogue with the First Lady of Japan, Akie Abe, and former First Lady […]

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Resilience to Natural Hazards and Climate Change ADB Conference: “Innovation and Learning in a Changing Asia”

September 10, 2014

Opening Statement of Senator Loren Legarda
Resilience to Natural Hazards and Climate Change
ADB Conference:  “Innovation and Learning in a Changing Asia”
ADB Headquarters, Manila, 10 September 2014
Citizens of the Asia-Pacific region are more likely to be affected by natural hazards than those in Africa, in Europe or North America, says a report from the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.
In many countries in the region, poverty, badly planned and managed urban and regional development, informal settlements on unsafe lands, vulnerable rural and urban […]

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