

Legarda Invites Filipinos to Join in Dayaw IP Festivals

October 1, 2014

Senator Loren Legarda today encouraged Filipinos to be immersed in indigenous Filipino culture through the Dayaw Indigenous Peoples Festival.
Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Cultural Communities, said that Filipinos have a lot to learn and rediscover about their culture and through the Dayaw Festival, citizens will be able to witness more indigenous performances, rituals, forums, traditional cuisine demos, traditional games, arts and crafts exhibit, which are all part of the Filipino identity.
“We have a very rich culture. I salute […]

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Legarda: Respect Our Culture and History, Stop Destruction of Heritage Structures

October 1, 2014

Senator Loren Legarda today lamented the apparent disrespect of some sectors for Philippine heritage due to the destruction of several historical buildings, such as the Army and Navy Club and the Admiral Hotel, and urged the cultural agencies of government to work together to prevent such occurrences.
Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Cultural Communities, said “the National Cultural Heritage Act must be strictly and effectively implemented by concerned agencies before all our heritage is gone too soon.”
During the Senate […]

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Legarda Calls on State Auditors to Protect Environment

September 30, 2014

Senator Loren Legarda today called on state auditors from all over the world to ensure accountability and judicious use of natural resources by leading an environmental audit in their respective nations, noting that the urban population of the world contributes to 80 percent of global carbon emissions.
Speaking at the Assembly Meeting of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions Working Group on Environmental Auditing (INTOSAI-WGEA), Legarda told 150 officials from audit institutions worldwide that there is a need to look […]

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INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) Assembly Meeting

September 30, 2014

Keynote Speech of Senator Loren Legarda
INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) Assembly Meeting
September 30, 2014 – EDSA Shangri-La, Mandaluyong City
At the outset, allow me to thank and congratulate the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions Working Group on Environmental Auditing (INTOSAI-WGEA) for convening this very important meeting.
We are living in a world with finite resources and yet generations have lived over the centuries like there is notomorrow.
Our natural environment has been compromised.  We all need to acknowledge and embrace […]

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Dayaw 2014: Philippine Indigenous Peoples Festival

September 29, 2014

Message of Senator Loren Legarda
Dayaw 2014: Philippine Indigenous Peoples Festival
September 29, 2014 – NCCA
Our indigenous peoples never fail to amaze me. Whenever I visit a province and go to IP communities, I always discover marvelous things about our culture and heritage like intricately woven fabrics, cultural songs, chants and dances that narrate the story of our ancestors, and the distinct way of life that our indigenous peoples, who are our culture-bearers, strive to preserve.
But aside from me, many others, not only […]

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