

Addressing disasters in Sendai

March 17, 2015

This week promises to be a watershed moment for global cooperation in disaster risk reduction (DRR) as thousand of officials, academics, citizen leaders, and stakeholders from all regions of the world converged in Sendai, Japan from 14 to 18 March 2015 for the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. The conference will review the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) that has been the guiding document for the United Nations from 2010 up to this year. In the same conference, […]

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‘Disaster reduction everyone’s business’

March 16, 2015

SENDAI, Japan—United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has vowed to “continue mobilizing the necessary resources” to make disaster risk reduction (DRR) everybody’s business in the Philippines and other disaster-prone countries.
Responding to a question by the Inquirer in a press briefing at the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) at the Sendai International Center in this northeastern Japanese city, Ban, however, admitted that “it would require some time” to make DRR a household word.
Ban said raising public and institutional […]

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PH disaster-ready after ‘Yolanda’, shares best resilience practices in world forum

March 15, 2015

MANILA, Philippines—After the onslaught of super typhoon “Yolanda” in 2013, the Philippines has since adapted practices promoting resiliency and disaster risk reduction management (DRRM).
During the 3rd World Conference on Risk Reduction held at Sendai, Japan, Senator Loren Legarda shared how the country has since implemented programs in DRRM which could serve as models for other countries.
“Leveraging our experiences and lessons learned from Typhoon Yolanda (international name: Haiyan), we continue to improve on the gaps and challenges,” Legarda said on Sunday.
Learning […]

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Climate change, disaster response laws’ amendments pressed

March 15, 2015

Sendai, Japan – Philippine legislators are seeking the amendment of the Climate Change Act and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Management Act to fill the gaps in the implementation of these laws and strengthen the link between DRR and climate change adaptation.
Sen. Loren Legarda bared that during the Parliamentary Meeting on Governance and Legislation for Disaster Risk Reduction organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), the Philippines was cited for having […]

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Legarda, Fellow DRR Champions to Help UN Raise Awareness on Resilience

March 15, 2015

Senator Loren Legarda and fellow United Nations champions for disaster risk reduction (DRR) will lead a global campaign to raise awareness on DRR and climate change adaptation (CCA) following a special meeting with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UN Office for DRR (UNISDR) head Margareta Wahlstrom on Sunday, 15 March 2015.
Legarda, UNISDR Champion for DRR and CCA for Asia-Pacific, said that UNSG Ban Ki-moon has encouraged the UN DRR Champions to lead DRR-CCA awareness campaigns in their respective regions, especially in […]

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