

Legarda to grace Ifugao foundation day

June 16, 2015

SENATOR Loren Legarda, chair of the Senate Committee on Climate Change and Committee on Cultural Communities, will be the guest of honor during the 49th Ifugao Foundation Day in the provincial capital Lagawe on June 18.
Legarda’s committee will also hold a hearing in Lagawe to tackle issues involving nature and culture in the Cordillera.
The senator has reiterated her call to protect the Ifugao Rice Terraces which faces deterioration because of unregulated urban development.
The terraces became a UNESCO World […]

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Legarda Urges Filipinos To Preserve Culture On Independence Day

June 11, 2015

Senator Loren Legarda today urged all Filipinos to embrace development without losing cultural identity as the nation celebrates 117 years of independence on June 12.
Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Cultural Communities, said the absence of oppressors does not necessarily equate to independence. “If we are to be truly independent, we need to have the freedom to think and freedom to become one’s own.”
“We could hope to achieve this by revisiting our past and by preserving our cultural legacy, […]

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Senate Honors Former Senator Leticia Shahani

June 10, 2015

The Philippine Senate honored Former Senator Leticia Ramos Shahani for her dedication as a public servant and remarkable contribution to the nation through Senate Resolution 1396, filed by Senator Loren Legarda and adopted by the Senate during its session today.
The Resolution honors Dr. Shahani, former Senate President Pro-Tempore, for her continued service to the nation and the Filipino people with utmost dedication and recognizes her remarkable contribution as legislator, diplomat, educator, women’s rights advocate and civil society leader.
“As a distinguished […]

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Legarda slams coal plant projects

June 10, 2015

Sen. Loren Legarda on Tuesday said the Philippines’ approval of 21 new coal-fired power plant projects in the past five years ran counter to its commitment to reduce carbon emissions and address the factors that contribute to climate change.
According to Legarda, such a situation puts into question the country’s call for sustainable development and deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
The Philippines has been taking an active role in addressing climate change as it is among those that acutely feel its […]

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Legarda: PH Should Lead by Example in Reducing Carbon Emissions

June 9, 2015

Senator Loren Legarda today said the Philippines should lead by example in reducing carbon emissions as it calls for urgent climate action.
Legarda said during the hearing of the Senate Committee on Climate Change, which she chairs, that the country’s intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) should reflect its strong stance towards deep cuts in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as a way to mitigate climate change.
“The Philippines, as third highest in the world in terms of vulnerability to weather-related extreme events based […]

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