

Keynote Speech: Looking Beyond 2016: The Future of Philippine Energy

September 23, 2015

Keynote Speech of Senator Loren Legarda
Looking Beyond 2016: The Future of Philippine Energy
PowerTrends 2015 Business Forum
September 23, 2015| SMX Convention Center
I am very honored to be here today at the PowerTrends Business Forum and I salute Leverage International and Puno & Puno for this laudable venture.
I was among the co-authors of the Renewable Energy Law in 2008. Our laws are hailed as among the best in the world, but without strict and effective implementation they are of very little use. At […]

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Legarda to Launch Summit of Conscience for the Climate in Manila

September 23, 2015

In a bid to make the Philippines a frontliner in the fight against climate change and its impacts, Senator Loren Legarda will lead the launch of the Summit of Conscience for the Climatein Manila on October 9, 2015, 9:00 a.m., at the Philippine Senate.
Legarda, UNISDR Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation for Asia-Pacific, said that the Summit of Conscience for the Climate aims to raise the consciousness of Filipinos that climate change is a personal issue affecting every […]

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Speech: 9th Senior Disaster Management Officials Forum

September 22, 2015

Speech of Senator Loren Legarda*
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Philippines 2015
9th Senior Disaster Management Officials Forum
22 September 2015 | Iloilo City, Philippines
*(Delivered by Commissioner Emmanuel de Guzman, Climate Change Commission)
It is my distinct honor and pleasure to speak before senior disaster management officials of the Asia-Pacific economies.
Foremost, we express our solidarity with the nation of Chile and commiserate with those who lost their loved ones in the recent 8.3 magnitude earthquake and tsunami that hit the country. But we also admire […]

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DENR pressed to develop marine conservation program ASAP

September 19, 2015

The Senate climate change committee has pressed the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to develop a major marine conservation program, particularly on coral restoration since only five percent of corals in the country are still in ideal condition.
Sen. Loren Legarda, committee chairman, said the program, like the DENR’s successful National Greening Program (NGP), should be launched as soon as possible since coral reefs are the food basket fish.
Under the DENR’s NGP, it would take about 20 years to […]

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You are really ahead of your time

September 18, 2015

Senator Loren, am at a conference in Singapore on urbanization and sustainable development. Just want to let you know that everything these world leaders are talking about, I already learned from you ages ago. You are really ahead of your time.
— Joy Belmonte, Vice Mayor of Quezon City

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