

Keynote Speech: Science-Policy Forum on the Sustainability of the Rice Terrace Systems (Hani and Ifugao): Building Learning Alliance

July 30, 2015

Keynote Speech of Senator Loren Legarda
Science-Policy Forum on the Sustainability of the Rice Terrace Systems (Hani and Ifugao): Building Learning Alliance
30 July 2015 | Hotel Jen, Manila
It is always with great pleasure that I take part in gatherings that are crucial in saving not only our intangible heritage and our natural resources, but also our people’s way of life.
I congratulate the Ifugao State University and the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability […]

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Bill increasing number of areas for conservation passes third reading at the Senate

July 29, 2015

A MEASURE that increases the number of areas to be protected and conserved by declaring them national parks has passed third and final reading on Tuesday at the Senate.
Senate Bill (SB) 2712 or the Expanded National Integrated Protected Areas (NIPAS) Act of 2015 widens coverage of protected areas as indicated in Republic Act 7586 or the NIPAS Act of 1992 which established protected areas such as natural parks, landscapes, and seascapes.
NIPAS is defined as “the classification and administration of all […]

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Privilege Speech: Why Do I Care? – A Report on the Summit of the Consciences for the Climate

July 29, 2015

Senator Loren Legarda’s Privilege Speech
Why Do I Care? – A Report on the Summit of the Consciences for the Climate
28 July 2015 | Senate Session Hall
Mr. President,
Exactly a week ago, on July 21, more than 40 religious, environmental, cultural and political leaders gathered in Paris, France for a Summit of the Consciences for the Climate, convened by French President FranÇois Hollande whose state visit to the Philippines in February highlighted the need for urgent climate action.
The […]

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Legarda Calls For Intensified Efforts vs Human Trafficking

July 29, 2015

In observance of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (July 30), Senator Loren Legarda underscored the need to strengthen the implementation of the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act (R.A. 10364) to address the problem of human trafficking and other forms of modern-day slavery.
Legarda, principal sponsor of the law, said “Thousands of Filipinos fall prey to human traffickers each year. Behind these numbers are stories of individuals whose freedom of choice is impaired by desperation or helplessness, thus rendering them […]

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Senate Approves the ENIPAS Bill

July 29, 2015

The Senate has approved on third and final reading the proposed Expanded National Integrated Protected Areas System Act of 2015(ENIPAS) which will strengthen conservation of 97 protected areas in the country.
Senator Loren Legarda, principal sponsor of the ENIPAS, celebrated the development. “We are a step closer to the finish line. Through this measure local communities and stakeholders will be able to do more to participate in the management and protection of our forests, oceans, flora, fauna and the indigenous peoples […]

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