

Co-Sponsorship Speech Confirmation of the Ad Interim Appointment of

March 15, 2017

Co-Sponsorship Speech
Confirmation of the Ad Interim Appointment of
General Noel Samson Buan
Mr. President,
I have the honor to co-sponsor the confirmation of the appointment of Noel Samson Buan to the rank of Brigadier General.
General Buan is recognized as a highly-trained and accomplished intelligence officer; admired and respected by his peers for his intelligence, various accomplishments and excellent leadership qualities.
He currently serves as the Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Reservist and Retiree Affairs since 2015 and actively […]

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Sponsorship Speech on the Proposed Rightsizing the National Government Act

March 15, 2017

Senator Loren Legarda
Sponsorship Speech on the Proposed Rightsizing the National Government Act
Senate Bill No. 1395 under Committee Report No. 56
15 March 2017 | Senate Session Hall
Mr. President, distinguished colleagues, good afternoon.
It is my honor as Chairperson of the Committee on Finance and the Sub-Committee on Senate Bill Nos. 1162 and 1167 to sponsor Senate Bill No. 1395 under Committee Report No. 56 or “An Act Rightsizing the National Government to Improve Public Service Delivery […]

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Dayaw Features Wooden Sculptures and Stone-Built Structures

March 15, 2017

Senator Loren Legarda invites everyone to watch the third episode of Dayaw season 3 featuring wood and stone on Thursday, March 16, 6:30 pm, on the ABS-CBN News Channel (ANC), with livestreaming on abs-cbnnews.com/live and on ANC’s Facebook page.

The third episode, “Inukit, Hinulma” (Enduring Wood, Immortal Stone), looks into how wood and stone were employed by builders and craftsmen from all over the archipelago, to build structures and objects dedicated to agriculture, exploration, to the community, to noble ideas like nationhood and spirituality.

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Loren Asks LGUs: Implement Climate Laws for Our Own Sake and That of Future Generations

March 15, 2017

Senator Loren Legarda today renewed her call to local government units to implement the country’s laws on climate and environment, stressing that local action is crucial in ensuring the survival of present and future generations

Legarda made the statement as the Philippines ratified the Paris Agreement on Climate Change following the Senate’s unanimous approval on Tuesday.

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Senate concurs in Paris climate deal ratification

March 14, 2017

MANILA, Philippines (UPDATED) – The Senate on Tuesday, March 14, gave its concurrence to the ratification of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the final step before the Philippines becomes an official signatory to the historic international agreement.

Voting 22-0, senators sealed the country’s ratification of the landmark global pact, which aims to limit average global temperatures to “well below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.”

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