

Championing NAPs: Advancing National Adaptation Plans

November 13, 2017

Speech of Senator Loren Legarda
Championing NAPs:
Advancing National Adaptation Plans
13 November 2017 | Press Room, Bula Zone 3
Bonn, Germany
My country, the Philippines, while being an archipelago of 7,641 islands that boast of fertile, arable lands with rich natural resources and diverse flora and flauna, is also one climate vulnerable country that is perpetually degraded by climate change.
The need for a comprehensive adaptation plan that will enhance the resilience of our nation has always been […]

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Legarda: ASEAN Community Must Be About The People

November 12, 2017

In light of the 31st Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Manila, Senator Loren Legarda today stressed that the interests of the people should be the primary concern as member nations move forward together towards a better and stronger ASEAN Community.

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Legarda Urges Improved IEC on Environmental Protection

November 10, 2017

Senator Loren Legarda today urged agencies of government to strengthen information, education and communication programs about the environment to bring all sectors and citizens together in protecting, restoring and enhancing environmental quality.

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Legarda on 4th Yolanda Anniversary: Rebuild Communities, Build Resilience

November 8, 2017

In commemoration of the fourth anniversary of Supertyphoon Yolanda, Senator Loren Legarda today renewed her call to concerned agencies to fast-track the rebuilding of affected communities, especially the provision of permanent shelters for displaced families.

Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committees on Finance and Climate Change, said that of the total housing units needed, less than half has been completed and only 12% has been occupied.

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