The Climate Change Commission (CCC) and deputy speaker Loren Legarda are
very pleased to announce that the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board, presently convened for its 24th Meeting held in Songdo, Korea this week, has just approved our country’s first GCF project on the establishment of a multi-hazard impact-based forecasting and early warning system (MH-IBF-EWS).
The GCF Board, which includes Deputy Speaker and Antique Congresswoman Loren Legarda as Alternate Member, approved a USD10-million grant that aims to strengthen and ensure the delivery of actionable and timely early warning to communities and ‘last mile’ end users at risk of impending natural hazards.
Distinguished guests, private business sector leaders, colleagues in government, partners from the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, civil society, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.
I am privileged to deliver my message at the 8th Top Leaders Forum, even as I carry out my role of representing the Philippines at the 24th Board Meeting of the Green Climate Fund here in Korea.
On November 11, a day before the 24th Meeting of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board Meeting officially starts, the Informal Board Working Session was convened for GCF Board and Alternate Members and their advisers to discuss comments on the agenda items for Board discussion. It was facilitated by the co-Chairs from the developing and developed country constituencies.
Deputy Speaker and Antique Congresswoman Loren Legarda participated as an alternate member of the GCF Board attended the session, with support from the Climate Change Commission.
Deputy Speaker and Antique Congresswoman Loren Legarda had a bilateral meeting with Green Climate Fund (GCF) Executive Director Yannick Glemarec and discussed how the GCF should communicate the “human face” of the global fund’s work in financing the needs of vulnerable communities in developing countries.
Deputy Executive Director Javier Manzanares, External Affairs Director Oyun Sanjaasuren, and Division of Mitigation and Adaptation Director Jerry Velasquez were also present to meet Deputy Speaker Legarda.
The Climate Change Commission (CCC) today announced that the country’s very first funding proposal to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) will be up for consideration at the 24th Meeting of the GCF Board, to be held in Songdo, South Korea on November 12 to 14, 2019.
The funding proposal seeks a grant of USD10 million on the establishment of multi-hazard impact-based forecasting and early warning systems and services (MH-IBF-EWS). The project aims to strengthen and ensure the delivery of actionable and timely early warning to communities at risk of impending natural hazards, down to the last mile.