

Support and patronize local and indigenous textile weaving industry – textile experts

September 29, 2020

Indigenous textile experts shared knowledge on culture-based livelihoods such as traditional weaving and crafts during the 19th episode of “Stories for a Better Normal: Pandemic and Climate Change Pathways,” with the topic “Weaving Resilience: Reviving Indigenous Textiles and Crafts.”
The first of this three-part episode which focused on promoting indigenous textiles and crafts also highlighted the impacts of COVID-19 on the indigenous weaving and crafts industry and ways to enhance its resilience.
The online conversation, hosted by House Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda, […]

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NCCA’s Buhay na Buhay to return in ANC

September 24, 2020

As a staunch advocate for the culture and arts, Legarda shares, “My wish is to see the younger generation appreciating their roots through our culture in various forms. In a time where many ‘millennials’ search for their identity, this show aims to guide them and make them realize how proud they should be that they are Filipinos.”

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Traditional Weaving in 19th Episode of “Stories for a Better Normal” Series

September 23, 2020

For the 19th episode of “Stories for a Better Normal: Pandemic and Climate Change Pathways,” with the topic “Weaving Resilience: Reviving Indigenous Textiles and Crafts,” traditional weaving experts will share knowledge on indigenous weaving traditions and crafts, as well as underscore the need to enhance the resilience of the weaving industry against climate change.
The episode, hosted by House Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda, will air on Thursday, 24 September 2020, 10:00 AM via Facebook Live at facebook.com/conglorenlegarda and facebook.com/CCCPhl/.
Indigenous textile experts […]

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Support Biodiversity Conservation, Sustainable Tourism to Protect Natural Heritage – Biodiversity Experts

September 21, 2020

Panay Island biodiversity experts and advocates urged Filipinos to support efforts on biodiversity conservation and sustainable tourism in order to protect endemic plant and animal species, wetlands and protected areas, and the natural heritage of Panay Island, during the 18th episode of “Stories for a Better Normal: Pandemic and Climate Pathways” with the topic “Panay: Native Plants, Birds, and Island Ecology.”
The online conversation, hosted by Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda, featured experts and advocates, including former Aklan Vice Governor Gabrielle Calizo-Quimpo; […]

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Pandan Water District Ultrafiltration Treatment Plant, first in the Philippines

September 17, 2020

Deputy Speaker and Antique Lone District Representative Loren Legarda is proud that her hometown, Pandan, is the first to have a water ultrafiltration treatment plant in the Philippines.
“Access to clean and potable water is one of the basic rights of our people. Having safe water means securing the health of our people. With the country’s high vulnerability to climate change, pollution and increased demand for water supply, the quality of water is very important and requires urgent protection,” Legarda said.
Legarda […]

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