

Privilege Speech of Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda:

September 1, 2021

Privilege Speech of Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda
The State of Environment amid the Pandemic
01 September 2021
Mr. Speaker, distinguished colleagues in Congress: 
It has been over a year since the pandemic broke and put the whole world into lockdowns, forcing businesses to close and billions of people to suffer. Our health systems were ill-prepared to suppress COVID-19 from claiming the lives of over 4.3 million people worldwide, of which over 29,300 are fellow Filipinos.
More than a year later, or one national […]

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September 1, 2021

The Philippines received its first-ever award from the prestigious global platform Venice Biennale for the exhibition Structures of Mutual Support curated by Framework Collaborative (GK Enchanted Farm community and Architects Sudarshan V. Khadka Jr. and Alexander Eriksson Furunes).
The country’s national participation at the Venice Biennale is a collaborative undertaking of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), and the Office of Deputy Speaker and Antique Congresswoman Loren Legarda.
Out of 60 National Participations, […]

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Legarda on Nat’l Heroes Day: We can all be each other’s heroes

August 31, 2021

House Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda on Monday, August 30, asked Filipinos to remember the greatness of Philippine heroes who had a vision of a better, progressive, free, and independent nation.
‘’Let us also celebrate our heroes of today who continue to strive for the betterment of our people and our country amid numerous challenges,’’ Legarda said in a statement for the National Heroes Day.
‘’Let us recognize and honor our present-day heroes, those who continue to sacrifice their lives and safety for […]

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Time to Clean Up! in 60th episode of ‘Stories for a Better Normal’ Series

August 31, 2021

MANILA, 31 August 2021 —Representatives from the public and private sectors will gather virtually to promote the regulation of single-use plastics as well as the strict implementation of ecological solid waste management on the 60th episode of “Stories for a Better Normal: Pandemic and Climate Change Pathways,” with the topic, “Time to Clean Up!” The episode is organized in celebration of the National Clean Up Month.
The online conversation, conceptualized and hosted by three-term former Senator, now Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda, […]

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Message of Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda: #BotoniJuana: Women as Policymakers

August 30, 2021

At the onset, I would like to thank SPARK! Philippines for inviting me once again to your webinar, in partnership with Czech Embassy and Galing Pook organization. I recall that just this March, I also delivered a message in the roundtable discussion for women and governance. This time, we will be highlighting the importance of women’s role in nation-building as active policy and decision-makers.  
I also note that our gathering coincides with this year’s celebration of the National Heroes’ Day. […]

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