Mother Earth Foundation’s (MEF) Organics Fair & the 3R (Refill, Reuse, Repair) Revolution Program Launch
Inspirational Message of
Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda
26 January 2023
My dear friends, I am honored to be in the presence once again of like-minded environmentalists. We can talk about all the best ways we can achieve zero waste and ask each other how to maximize the use of what others would throw away without thinking. But is our movement growing at the pace […]
Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda has laid out her plans for the digitalization and internet connectivity in the Philippine archipelago.
This followed Legarda’s meeting with Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Undersecretary Anna Mae Yu Lamentillo, Undersecretary Angelo Nuestro and Assistant Secretary Philip Varilla at the Senate of the Philippines.
Legarda, principal author of Republic Act No. 10844, the law that created the DICT, emphasized the importance of information and communications technology infrastructure, systems, and resources to ensure universal access […]
Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda has stated that loss and damage brought about by natural disasters harm the people’s livelihood and the country’s economy.
In her privilege speech during the resumption of the session on Monday, she noted that the country had incurred losses of about P506.1 billion from climate-related hazards despite contributing only 0.3 percent of the planet’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
This amount, she said, equates to a combined total annual budget of the Department of Health (DOH) […]
Message of Senate President Pro Tempore
Virtual Learning Session for Publicly Listed Companies
Business and Environmental Sustainability: Achieving the Balance
7-8 November 2022
Good day to all our colleagues. I would like to extend my thanks to the Securities and Exchange Commission and Oceana for inviting me to this session focusing on environmental policies and regulations that affect and impact the health and resiliency of the people and ocean anchored on Sustainable Development Goals. I would particularly like […]
Privilege Speech
Senate President Pro Tempore
Senate of the Philippines
State of Climate Action: The Philippine Scenario
Mr. President, distinguished colleagues:
The Philippines is now the country with the highest disaster risk in the world.
The World Risk Report 2022 assessed the level of exposure, susceptibility, and lack of coping and adaptive capacities of countries from disaster and climate risks and hazards and we came out as the most vulnerable.
This is no longer new to us. Year after year, we’ve […]