

Republic Act No. 9729 – CLIMATE CHANGE ACT OF 2009

October 23, 2009

This law builds resilience to the impacts of climate change through the mainstreaming of climate change in various phases of policy formulation, development plans, poverty reduction strategies and other development tools and techniques by all agencies and instrumentalities of the government.

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Loren appeals to Malacañang on Climate Change Act

September 28, 2009

Sen. Loren Legarda yesterday appealed to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to sign into law thebill already passed by both Houses of Congress providing for a Climate Change Commission that would formulate and implement a full-scale plan to adapt to climate change and reduce disaster losses.
“The great flood that hit Metro Manila and many provinces in Luzon last Saturday, causing heavy losses in lives and property, underscore the need for accelerating the enactment of Senate Bill No.2583, otherwise known as the Climate Change Act of 2009,” […]

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Republic Act No. 9710 – MAGNA CARTA OF WOMEN

August 14, 2009

This law provides the necessary mechanisms to enforce and guarantee the realization of women’s rights as well as adopt and undertake steps to include temporary special measures which encompass a wide variety of legislative, executive, administrative and other regulatory instruments, policies and practices aimed at accelerating the equal participation of women in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.

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