

National Immunization Conference

November 12, 2009

I am honored to be with you once again. I had several occasions before to express my gratitude to our country’s leading doctors, nurses, paramedical workers, private and public health officials, NGOs, media and other health workers for you are the ones in the forefront in defending our people against sicknesses and death.
Preventive rather than curative: that has always been my preference when we speak about health. And I am glad that the Philippine Foundation for Vaccination, a leading […]

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The Challenge of our Times

November 10, 2009

Her Excellency President
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo,
Distinguished participants and guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
The Climate Change Act of 2009
Three days ago, President Arroyo signed into law the Climate Change Act of 2009. On this, I wish to convey my grateful appreciation to the President for her immediate action on this landmark legislation.
Thank you, Mrs. President.
I feel a sense of relief and fulfilment now that the arduous process of legislation that I went through for the past […]

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National Conference on Climate Change Adaptation in Watershed Context

November 10, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to thank you for your invitation for me to deliver the keynote speech for this important conference and for your warm welcome as well. Let me also congratulate you for your service to the Filipino people and to humanity.
I have always been eager and relentless in pursuing the role and responsibility of interacting with various stakeholders who work for the environment long before my appointment as the chairperson of the Senate Oversight Committee on […]

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Senate Bill No. 2484- Philippine Psychology and Psychometrics Act of 2008

November 8, 2009

An Act To Regulate The Practice Of Psychology And Psychometrics Creating For This Purpose A Professional Regulatory Board Of Psychology And Psychometrics, Appropriating Funds Therefor And For Other Purposes
Scope: National
Legislative status: Consolidated/Substituted in the Committee Report (10/14/2009)
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SBN-2484 (as filed)

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Senate Bill No. 2482- Environmental Planning Act of 2008

November 8, 2009

An Act Regulating The Practice Of Environmental Planning, Repealing For The Purpose, Presidential Decree Numbered One Thousand Three Hundred And Eight, Entitled ‘Law Regulating The Environmental Planning Profession In The Philippines’, And For Other Purposes
Scope: National
Legislative status: Pending in the Committee (8/6/2008)
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SBN-2482 (as filed)

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