Message of Senator Loren Legarda Launch of Cordillera Heritage Workbook

February 5, 2025

Naimbag nga bigat kanyayo amin!

My warmest congratulations go to Ifugao State University on the launch of the Cordillera Heritage Workbook. Today’s event is a decisive act of cultural preservation and empowerment, reinforcing the continuity of the Cordillera’s rich heritage.

As a four-term Senator, I have championed laws that not merely narrate the story of the Filipino people but honor their depth, diversity, and dignity. Through the Integrated History Act of 2016, we mandated the inclusion of the rich histories of Muslim Filipinos and Indigenous Peoples in our education system, affirming their rightful place in the narratives we impart to our children. Moreover, through the National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009 and the Cultural Mapping Law, we have strengthened the safeguarding of our treasures, whether tangible, intangible, natural, or built, by ensuring their inventory and preservation.

The creation of these heritage workbooks embodies this legislative vision, transforming policy into practice. These books are interactive platforms that connect learners to the languages, art forms, traditional wisdom, and ecological knowledge of the Cordillera communities. They serve as both academic resources and cultural bridges, fostering intergenerational dialogue and deepening the appreciation of indigenous identities. Yet knowledge thrives when it moves beyond the confines of pages. To amplify the impact of these resources, I call for collaboration with local elders, cultural bearers, communities, and organizations to broaden the reach of these immersive learning tools and ensure they engage and inspire a wider audience, both within and beyond formal educational settings.

I was honored with the title of ‘Tukwifi,’ meaning ‘bright star’ in the Cordilleras. I accept this distinction with deep gratitude, recognizing the responsibility it carries—to protect, promote, and uphold the rich culture and heritage of the people who have entrusted me with this honor. Because culture is not preserved in isolation, it is a collective endeavor that thrives when shared, when it finds new ways to inspire, teach, and unite. When governments, educators, community leaders, artists, weavers, storytellers, environmental stewards, and the youth come together, culture transcends the pages of books and becomes a force that cannot be ignored. Hence, we must strengthen our partnerships, recognizing the strength of our diversity.

To the authors and cultural advocates who poured their passion into these workbooks, thank you. Your dedication ensures that the voices of the Cordillera are not echoes fading into silence but legacies rising with the dawn in the hearts of those who dare to remember and honor their roots.


Matagu-tagu kayon Am-in!

Isang luntiang Pilipinas sa ating lahat.