Legarda files bill to regularize barangay officials

August 25, 2024

Senator Loren Legarda said it was high time to provide full-time benefits to barangay officials, lamenting that mere honoraria might not be adequate for them.
Legarda, who filed Senate Bill No. 2786, or the Regularization of Barangay Officials Act, remarked that the lack of financial stability of barangay officials might cause them financial stress, which may lead to ineffective delivery of government services.
“We want our barangay officials to receive the same full benefits that other government workers enjoy, giving them the […]

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Statement of Senator Loren Legarda on Mpox

August 24, 2024

I urge the Filipino public to take the threat of Mpox seriously. Even though it is a much different threat than COVID-19 and was said to be a mild variant of the virus according to the Department of Health (DOH), we must remain vigilant so that we will avoid another round of lockdowns.

We have already learned a lot from the pandemic, and I hope we remember how to avoid highly communicable diseases through social distancing, wearing of face masks, and […]

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Statement of Senator Loren Legarda on the capture of Shiela Guo and Cassandra Ong

August 22, 2024

Statement of Senator Loren Legarda on the capture of Shiela Guo and Cassandra Ong
August 22, 2024
We welcome this significant development on an issue that has captured the nation’s attention.
The apprehension of Shiela Guo and Cassandra Li Ong is a crucial step forward in our ongoing efforts to uncover the truth. I am confident that Alice Guo, also known as Guo Hua Ping, will be located soon and made to answer the serious allegations surrounding her identity and involvement in […]

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August 1 important for Philippine independence – Legarda

August 21, 2024

Senator Loren Legarda emphasized the importance of August 1, 1898 as a momentous date in Philippine history as it was the day when over 200 municipal mayors established respective local government units by signing a revised Declaration of Independence.
Legarda, principal sponsor of Senate Bill No. 2690, clarified that the Act is not changing the date of Philippine independence but a mere addition of a step in the long path to being a full-fledged nation.
“The August 1 event did not invalidate […]

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Legarda lauds Senate’s passage of Loss and Damage Fund Board bill

August 21, 2024

Senator Loren Legarda lauded the Senate’s approval of the proposed Loss and Damage Fund Board Act on the third and final reading.
Legarda, the principal author of Senate Bill No. 2780, voted to approve the proposed measure, stating, “By granting juridical personality and legal capacity to the Loss and Damage Fund Board, we commence and ensure the effective operation of this UN-established fund to address climate impacts causing loss and damage, particularly to developing countries.”
Legarda, recognized by the United Nations Office […]

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